Sports Video Editing
Many indirect video editing systems are created with the idea of making a motion video maker, not just a television show or live broadcast. Sports have some kind of flow and the editing formats used along with them should have the tools to create the right kind of images for things like maths, as well as tools to let you go back and forth between clips to maintain game continuity. Most of the time basketball is broadcast live and users are in control room with indirect video editing software, but if you use this format you have a few options that will make sense for your needs. Here's a look at some of the best basketball video editing software for the average user.
Adobe Premiere
There are only a few indirect video editing programs commonly used, and Adobe Premiere is usually third on the list.
For users who do not have the budget to purchase many different programs and need to run them all in one system, Adobe Premiere may be one of the best options. The reason is not just in the program itself, which is one of the easiest programs to read and use, but in the compatible programs in Adobe Creative Suite. To edit basketball videos, you really need tools to create animated slides, character generators, and different play options. There are standard visuals that are used to give you information about players, to give you titles and scores, and often appear to add information. Adobe After Effects, Adobe In Design, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator, will be essential tools to allow you to inject these elements into your video editing project in a way that no other package will offer you resources.
Final Cut Pro
The same situation will be true for Final Cut Pro like Adobe Premiere, however the usability and power of editing software outweighs compatible programs. Most slides, point charts, stats, and other simple features can be built into the Final Cut Pro software itself. If you want to get out of it, you can get into using Motion for most of what you will need with animation. The best thing about Final Cut Pro is setting up multiple cameras, and this is great because what is really needed in basketball video editing software is the ability to move seamlessly between a host of cameras that often cover the game. Since Final Cut Pro is a widely used video editing program you will also be able to open the project for more editors.
Windows Movie Maker and iMovie
Windows Movie Maker will be the best choice for beginner video editors who would like to edit together a complete basketball game on their PC without expensive software or tools. Since Windows Movie Maker is built on Windows it will give you what you need to edit the basics, put them in order, add text, and usually edit the video. From here you will be able to do what you need to do, though it will not give you the kind of tools Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro will do.
IMovie, in the same world, is a program built with a simple Mac editing program and used by many graphic designing company and do more than what Windows Movie Maker will do. As part of the iLife package, you will be able to burn DVDs with iDVD and mix audio with Garage Band.