If your costs are limited, you can pay for a creative graphic designer or advertising agency. It is not expensive to find, call a few ad agencies in the phone book and ask for a paid account. Explain that you may be in the agency market and ask them questions. Immediate determination will not come soon.
There is a lot that can be said about finding a way for someone else to do your ads so that you can use your talents in what you do best, running your business. Creating your own ads is almost like fixing your leak and asking a plumber to come and inspect you.
Your ad will be less than eight-tenths of a second to get the reader’s attention. You should stop the student’s eye for less than a second, and hold it for at least three seconds to make an impression. Think of the ads you display when you read the paper, Fly some of them faster than you can say “you have a Mississippi” (half a second).
Collect an ad folder that catches your attention. Compile a list of hot words. There are articles and lists throughout the internet for “selling” words. Just you need type “brand names” in any of the search engine.
Always Press Benefits The feature is what something is. Profit is what it does. Just you need to advertise the advantages of your product or service, not the features. People do not buy an item to get a feature, instead they always buy to get the profit generated by the feature.
The judge is still out of color operation depending on the cost of the color. Look at the big boys, most of them don’t use color in advertising.
There are already Enough Egos Look at any paper and count the owner’s gun, pictures of children or staff. Not to mention pictures of a business or award building. Ego is easy to sell to advertisers, but it does not sell to the customer. This paper uses the ego all the time to sell more ads. Billboard people are very popular with this practice. Focus on the advantages and let it go about your smiling head and shoulders.
Put it on the shelf After compiling the ad, place it on the shelf, in the drawer or on your computer all day. Do not see at it or think about it. Wait at least 24 hours to review. And if you do not like ads then you may opt for as may revisions as you want from the graphic designing company.